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Our commitments and certifications

A rigorous approach to quality

We hold certifications attesting to the professionalism of our teams and the high standards of quality control applied throughout our processes. For us, obtaining a certification is an honor, but it doesn’t end there. We continue to innovate and evolve with the aim of further optimizing our processes, developing technologies and meeting the ever-increasing demands of our clients as efficiently as possible.

ISO 9001:2015 in the USA

Ubiqus USA holds ISO 9001:2015 certification, demonstrating our commitment to quality management systems that focus on continuous improvement, customer satisfaction and the active involvement of both management and employees in a process-based approach.


ISO 13485 in the USA

Ubiqus USA holds ISO 13485:2016 certification, which was earned by demonstrating management and operational practices that ensure ongoing monitoring, maintenance, structure, and control enforced at every stage of the translation lifecycle.


CAN/CGSB-131.10-2017 in Canada

Certification is based on the CAN/CGSB-131.10-2017 national standard, Translation Services, developed by the General Standards Board of Canada and approved by the Canadian Standards Council.


ISO 9001: 2015 en Belgique (Dhaxley)

dhaxley Translations détient la certification ISO9001:2015. Cette norme reconnue internationalement définit les critères de gestion de la qualité d’une organisation. Cette distinction témoigne de notre orientation client, de notre engagement, d’une approche processus réfléchie et d’une gestion professionnelle de la relation client.


ISO 17100 en Belgique (Dhaxley)

dhaxley Translations détient la certification ISO17100. Cette norme de qualité internationale, propre au secteur de la traduction, énonce des exigences visant tous les aspects du processus ayant un impact direct sur la qualité du travail et du service fourni.


ISO 17100 en Belgique (Ubiqus)

Ubiqus Belgique détient la certification ISO17100. Cette norme de qualité internationale, propre au secteur de la traduction, énonce des exigences visant tous les aspects du processus ayant un impact direct sur la qualité du travail et du service fourni.


ISO 18587 en Belgique (Ubiqus)

Ubiqus Belgique a décroché la certification ISO18587 pour la post-édition de textes issus de moteurs de traduction automatique, un label qui salue l’efficacité des processus d’Ubiqus lorsque l’humain et la machine conjuguent leurs efforts au service du client.


ISO 9001:2015 en España

ISO 9001:2015, SISTEMAS DE GESTIÓN DE LA CALIDAD: Nuestra certificación en esta norma acredita que todos nuestros procesos cumplen los requisitos de calidad establecidos para en esta norma.


SGE-21:2017 en España

Nuestro compromiso con una gestión ética de los negocios nos ha dado el impulso para crear nuestro propio sistema de gestión ética y socialmente responsable, adecuado a la norma SGE-21:2017. Esta norma es el primer sistema europeo de gestión de la responsabilidad social que permite auditar procesos y certificarse en Gestión Ética y Responsabilidad Social. Ubiqus Spain es además socia fundadora del Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas. Nuestra empresa está voluntaria y expresamente comprometida con el cumplimiento de los Diez Principios del Pacto Mundial de Naciones Unidas.


ISO 27001 en España

SISTEMA DE GESTIÓN DE LA SEGURIDAD DE LA INFORMACIÓN: Nuestro Sistema de gestión de la seguridad de la información está basado en la norma ISO/IEC 27001:2013, Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements, y su alcance es la información propiedad del cliente que se utiliza para los proyectos de traducción, de acuerdo con la Declaración de aplicabilidad, revisión 16.


ISO 17100 en España

UNE-EN ISO 17100:2015, SERVICIOS DE TRADUCCIÓN:Prestamos nuestros servicios de acuerdo con los principios y requisitos establecidos en la norma específica del sector de la traducción.


ISO 9001:2015 en France

Ubiqus France a obtenu la certification ISO 9001:2015 pour son système de management de la qualité.
Décernée par l’AFNOR, la certification couvre l’ensemble des activités de rédaction de compte‐rendu, de traduction, d’interprétariat et de vote électronique du Groupe pour une durée de 3 ans.


ISO 9001: 2015 in the UK

ISO 9001 is designed to assess quality management systems and management systems in general. We have always seen the ISO 9001 qualification as an important part of our growth strategy.


Processes that prioritize client satisfaction

Client satisfaction plays a defining role in everything we do and is achieved through the strong commitments renewed on a daily basis by all the Group’s teams. Our writers, translators, project managers, graphic designers and technicians work together and share the same goal: to provide effective solutions tailored to our clients’ needs.

Ubiqus uses the Trustpilot opinion-gathering platform to continuously assess client satisfaction. Trustpilot guarantees the transparency and reliability of the reviews on its platform and has obtained AFNOR certification, ensuring that customer reviews are managed in accordance with standard NF Z74-501.

This allows us to continue to improve our services and develop solutions to proactively support our clients.

Satisfied clients who don’t hesitate to tell us so

More than 20,000 clients worldwide have chosen Ubiqus and put their trust in recognized expertise and quality of service.

Professional body memberships

We are convinced that the understanding and transmission of messages – in all languages – bring people together and improve communication.

Because we are passionate about language and proud of what we do, we are a member of organizations that contribute to enhancing the standing of our profession all over the world.

GSA #GS03F064AA in the USA

Ubiqus has been awarded GSA schedule contract #GS03F064AA for transcription services.
Ubiqus has provided quality transcription services to numerous federal agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Homeland Security. Our GSA Contract allows these agencies to procure our services at a special rate.


GSA #GS10F056AA in the USA

Ubiqus has been awarded GSA schedule contract #GS10F056AA for translation services.
Ubiqus has worked with numerous federal agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Homeland Security. We provide translation services between English and 44 languages on our GSA Schedule.


ATA in the USA

Ubiqus USA is a long-standing member of the American Translators Association (ATA): the largest organization in the United States dedicated to fostering the development of professional translators and interpreters nationwide.


AAERT in the USA

Ubiqus USA is a proud member of the American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers (AAERT): a leading association dedicated to the education and certification of transcriptionists and professionals in related careers.


RID in the USA

Ubiqus USA is an active member of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID): the largest network of interpreters in the nation and leading advocates for the excellence of interpretation services between individuals using sign language and spoken language.


NYS UCS in the USA

Ubiqus USA is a New York State Unified Court System (NYS UCS) approved vendor for transcription services, meaning that we are compliant with the Standard Transcript Specifications (section 108.3 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator).


ACGL in Canada

The Language Management Consulting Association Inc. (ACGL) brings together language management decision-makers who are committed to excellence and committed to promoting the added value of professional language services.


CCMM in Canada

The Montreal Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce’s mission is to be the voice of Montreal’s business community and to act for the prosperity of businesses and the city.


CNET en France

Ubiqus France est membre de la Chambre Nationale des Entreprises de Traduction, Chambre Professionnelle née en 1976 ayant pour objectif le rayonnement de la profession et la communication des bonnes pratiques auprès des utilisateurs.


OpenNMT en France

Vincent Nguyen, Président du groupe Ubiqus est administrateur du programme OpenNMT avec Harvard University et Systran. L’objectif de ce programme est d’améliorer en continue l’efficacité des outils de traduction automatisée.


CRN in the UK

The Congress Rental Network is a worldwide network of top-quality companies, all equipped with the latest Bosch Congress equipment for hire.


ATC in the UK

Ubiqus is a member of the Association of Translation Companies: one of the oldest professional groups representing the interests of translation companies in the world.


GALA en España

Ubiqus Spain pertenece a la Globalization and Localization Association (GALA), una asociación internacional cuyo objetivo es promover la importancia de las lenguas, la cultura y la comunicación multiglingüe. Con ella compartimos objetivos, información y recursos que benefician tanto a nuestra empresa como a la comunidad de la que formamos parte.

Asproset en España

Ubiqus Spain es miembro de la Asociación Española de Proveedores de Servicios de Traducción (ASPROSET) que a su vez es la única asociación española miembro de la EUATC (European Union of Associations of Translation Companies).

BQTA en Belgique

Ubiqus Belgique est membre de la Belgian Quality Translation Association, l’association belge des sociétés de traduction, elle-même affiliée à l’association européenne EUATC (European Union of Associations of Translation Companies).


Our ranking  among the international rankings of language services companies

Ubiqus agrees to be evaluated by international ranking agencies in order to give a sound and independent basis of comparison to its clients.

We are one of the top 100 language service providers

Every year, Ubiqus maintains its ranking as one of the world’s largest language service providers. This ranking is drawn up by CSA Research, a leading market research firm specializing in language services and related technologies.

Member of the 2021 CSA Research TOP 25

Ubiqus is ranked within the top 100 largest language services providers in the world.
In 2021, Ubiqus once again appears in the top 25 of the largest language services providers globally.

Ranked 22nd in the 2021 LSPI

Slator classifies the world of global translation agencies and publishes its international rankings based on turnover each year. In 2021, the Ubiqus Group is ranked 22nd overall with more than $82 million in revenue.

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Satisfied clients who don’t hesitate to tell us so

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