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The Benefits of Video Transcription

Every day, hundreds of millions of hours of video are consumed by over a billion users around the world. From how-to videos to product reviews, videos are the go-to source for consumers looking for information and entertainment.

Research shows that 55 percent of people watch videos every day, so it’s no surprise that the number of videos online has grown exponentially in recent years. Companies are increasingly using videos  to promote and share:

• Company meetings
• Marketing messages
• Presentations, panels, and Q&As
• Podcasts
• Interviews

While video content is now an essential part of a communication strategy, video transcription is a simple way to maximize its value. Whether you’re a video blogger or a marketing professional, here are some key reasons why you should consider transcribing your videos.

A Better User Experience

You can improve usability and enhance the user experience by making the text from your media available. Give your users the choice of watching, listening to, or reading your content. By giving your audience these options, you are allowing them to use your information, share it with their audiences, and further engage with you.

TED incorporates transcripts into its user experience by adding what’s called an Interactive Transcript. As the videos play, users can search and navigate by clicking on any word to jump to the exact moment when it is being spoken in the video. This feature makes it easier to follow along, refer to certain points, and absorb the material.

Greater Search Engine Optimization

Your spectacular new video is now complete and you’re ready to share it with the world, but there’s one problem: search engines can’t properly “read” it. That makes it harder for the search engines – and, ultimately, potential viewers – to find it.

Transcribing your video, however, allows search engine spiders to read the full text of your content and properly index it. This makes your content more searchable and can drive more traffic to your website. You can drop the transcript into the description of the video, include it as a downloadable document, or use it to add captions and subtitles, which leads us to another key benefit to video transcription.

More Accessible Video Content

Transcribing your videos or providing subtitles or closed captioning enables the deaf or hard of hearing to enjoy your media. They’re not the only ones who benefit, though. Users in loud places, such as gyms or bars, or sound-sensitive environments, like libraries, will also be able to enjoy your content. Closed captioning also improves comprehension for viewers, particularly when dialogue is spoken quickly or when a speaker has a heavy accent.

A Global Reach

The Internet has given us the ability to access videos from around the globe and connect with other users who speak different languages. YouTube, for example, is localized for 75 countries and available in 61 languages. Broaden your reach by translating your video transcripts into the language of your target region. Offering transcripts in different languages goes a long way towards expanding your audience and increasing your multicultural appeal.

Effective Learning Tools

Teachers often use multiple teaching techniques to engage students that may have different learning styles. Some students absorb more when they’re listening, while others respond better to visual stimuli. Combining the two methods creates an optimal learning experience because it allows the brain to comprehend the material through more than one medium.

Lecture transcripts can serve as supplemental guides for students, helping them to absorb the material and refer back to specific points. They’re especially helpful for students who are learning English as a second language, because they can see the words and familiarize themselves with new terms.

There’s no shortage of video on the web – make sure yours is resonating with your target audience. While working on your next video project, consider transcribing it to increase views and amplify your message.

To get the benefits of video transcription, contact us to learn more or request a quote to get started.

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