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Interpretation Case Study: Centralizing Remote Interpretation

When a global event is broadcast across the web to a multilingual audience, two things are key: 1) experienced, qualified interpreters, and 2) a reliable tech setup that allows real-time communication. Ubiqus provided both for one such event.

The Event

In November 2020, a prominent media company hosted a four-day forum that featured leaders from business, politics and finance. The client set up websites in English and in Mandarin, and speakers delivered their remarks in one language or another. Therefore, the client needed someone to translate English remarks into Mandarin – and vice versa.

Pre-COVID, this would have been done by sending interpreters to the event location. Because this event was held virtually, speakers accessed the event and participated from their homes and offices across the world. The interpreters would need to do the same, but their interpreted remarks had to be delivered to event attendees, as well as recorded for subsequent replays on the event’s websites.

The solution to this remote meeting challenge was to bring the interpreters and the technology together in one location: our offices in Secaucus, New Jersey.

The Solution

Prior to the event, the Ubiqus events team set up a custom studio in its Secaucus office (pictured above), where the interpreters would view and interpret the remarks from their work areas. The team then set up its equipment to a) send the interpreters’ live audio feed to two satellite trucks furnished by the client, and b) record the feeds for video replays.

On the day of the event, the Ubiqus team sent a URL to the event to the interpreters’ workstations so they could interpret in real time. While event attendees listened to the speakers’ remarks, both the English and the Mandarin feeds were sent to the client’s satellite trucks, which streamed both the original video and the interpretation feeds to the event’s English and Mandarin websites.

The live event went according to plan, and English and Mandarin speakers were able to follow the proceedings in their preferred language. Meanwhile, video replays are available on the event websites and on YouTube. The live event garnered more than 795,000 views and more than 3000 press mentions. As of this writing, the replays on the English and Mandarin websites have been viewed 5 million times.

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What happens when you need remote simultaneous interpretation but the feature isn’t available in your meeting platform? This case study shows how Ubiqus brought together multiple resources to create a remote interpretation feed.

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