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Ubiqus USA is seeking candidates for the following positions:

Associate Project Manager – Translation

Project Manager – Translation

Part-time Hearing Reporters


Ubiqus is a dynamic, forward-looking company that values its employees, encourages respect for others and fosters a spirit of initiative.

Our company is experiencing strong growth, driven both by acquisitions and by increasing activity in Europe and in North America. This means there are lots of career development opportunities for all our current employees, as well as new jobs for those seeking to join us.

Giving everyone the opportunity to flourish professionally

Ubiqus is committed to developing a diverse and inclusive workplace where all employees feel at ease bringing their whole authentic selves to work regardless of age, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Our commitment to training and stimulating dynamism presents an exciting learning opportunity for motivated employees. The Group also values the vision and skills of more experienced employees: their insights and contributions add to the richness and diversity of our workforce.

A company that listens to its employees

The Ubiqus Group aims to be a friendly, open company that upholds human values. Our approach towards our employees is the same as our approach towards our clients: one of respect and responsiveness. Our practices are guided by simplicity and agility, both in terms of the processes we implement and in how we communicate with each other.

The company’s HR management principles

The principles that underpin our HR management aim to encourage initiative, autonomy and enthusiasm.

Ubiqus listens to the professional aspirations of its employees (when these are clearly expressed) and nurtures them as long as the individual in question has proven they have what it takes to progress to the next stage of their career. At the same time, Ubiqus does not require any of its employees to commit themselves beyond the conscientious performance of the tasks entrusted to them. You don’t have to demonstrate that you are driven to see your work appreciated!

  • Ubiqus defines the responsibilities and pay level of its employees through direct, individual and ongoing discussion.
  • Ubiqus highly values those who can analyze and give thought to how the company operates, and make suggestions for how to improve it.
  • Ubiqus evaluates and rewards its employees on the basis of what they do, not what they intend to do; and on what has actually been achieved, not on what may be achieved.
  • Ubiqus encourages bold initiatives and recognizes everyone’s right to make mistakes and to learn from them.
  • Ubiqus is committed to a policy of promoting diversity. We recruit and integrate employees from a variety of backgrounds, and we reject any form of discrimination.

Ubiqus is a dynamic, forward-looking company that values its employees, encourages respect for others and fosters a spirit of initiative.

Find out more about who we are and what we do

The main types of positions available

Ubiqus is constantly looking for qualified and talented people to join our team of professionals in language, transcription and events.

Whether you are just starting out are looking to change careers, we offer a wide range of opportunities.


  • Writers
  • Translators
  • Interpreters
  • Transcriptionists
  • Hearing reporters


Ubiqus is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It considers applications for all positions without regard for race, religion, color, gender, nationality, age, disability or other categories subject to discrimination and cited in federal, state, provincial or local law.

And there’s

The Ubiqus

& certifications


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Satisfied clients who don’t hesitate to tell us so

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