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Transcription and translation in the aerospace and defense sector: technical accuracy and security

Do you work in aeronautics and defense? Are you a documentation manager, program manager or public relations manager? Do you want to ensure the accuracy of your written and oral communications?

You can count on our expertise for:

Solutions tailored to aerospace and defense companies

We help get your message across by communicating in the right tone: a professional and technical tone for manuals; a factual and informative tone for discussing industry developments; or a more communicative and persuasive tone when you are looking to close a sale with a client. We provide innovative language solutions to support you at every stage of your written and oral communication process.


Translation memories

Resources based in your country

An innovative technical translation service

Do you have to deal with highly technical documents and other data modules on a daily basis? The essential information they contain must be understandable to all: translation is therefore a must. Our team of linguists has extensive experience in translating such specialized documents. This ensures that you will always receive a high quality translation that can be used immediately.

Are your written materials not limited to Word and Excel documents? No problem! We can translate your content in any form and format:

  •  CGM
  •  SVG
  • Jpeg
  • AutoCAD
  • and more!

What type of technical documents do we translate?

We are able to translate all documents destined for the aerospace and defense sector, for example:

  • Data modules
  • Training materials (maintenance, procedures and management)
  • User interfaces
  • Plans, illustrations

Services relating to classified documentation can be carried out at your premises.

Our interpreting service

Part of the quality of a discussion lies in its fluidity. While this is not always easy in an international context, it is even more challenging when it comes to discussing complex technical matters. Our interpreters are accustomed to the specific acronyms and terminology of the aerospace and defense sector.

What type of technical meetings do our interpreters attend?

Our interpreters can assist you at all meetings that require specialized technical terminology, such as:

  • Executive committee meetings
  • Press conferences
  • Training sessions
  • Seminars

Writing minutes and meeting summaries

Professional meetings are an integral part of the daily activity in your sector. To keep an effective record of a discussion, why not consider having us write minutes or a summary of what was said? We can then provide you with the document in the language you need it in, within a timeframe decided by you.

What type of technical meetings do our writers attend?

Our writers can assist you with all types of meetings, even those where specialized technical terminology is used.

  • Training, seminars
  • Press conferences
  • Debates

Satisfied clients who don’t hesitate to tell us so

Your company complies with rigorous production standards that guarantee quality results. The same goes for ours – we maintain high standards while providing the flexibility and responsiveness our clients are looking for.

Our processes and methodology

Your company complies with rigorous production standards which guarantee quality results. The same goes for ours – we maintain high standards whilst providing the flexibility and responsiveness our clients are looking for. We are the perfect partner for ensuring your high standards.

Resources based in your country

In order to meet the security requirements of your documents, we carefully select the best translators and writers for the job. We do our best to meet all of your requirements, whether you need a specific nationality, a rare language combination or specific skills.

Translation memories

Many cutting-edge tools exist to optimize the results of translations. In order to provide you with a high-quality translation, we create a dedicated translation memory for each of our clients. This ensures that your translation will always be tailored to your specific tone and use consistent terminology.


Ubiqus USA holds ISO 9001:2015 certification and Ubiqus Canada's current certification is based on CAN/CGSB-131.10-2017, Translation Services. The Ubiqus Group is the 21st largest language service provider worldwide (2019 CSA Research index).

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Satisfied clients who don’t hesitate to tell us so

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