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Home Technologies CAT Computer Assisted Translation

Computer assisted translation (CAT)

What are the types of software available to help with translation?

CAT tools & translation memory

They rely on the operation of a linguistic database (translation memory) which records each translation segment so that it can be reused later. By automatically recognising similar source segments, the software offers the translation already carried out and stored in the database. At Ubiqus, we use computer-assisted translation software SDL Trados Studio (2017).

Terminology management software 

Terminology management programs, such as SDL Multiterm are translation tools that allow you to search a database for recorded terms (eg product name, brand slogan) and rules on their use (genre, description, specific typography).

Operational aids 

Spelling and grammar checks, online dictionaries, project management software…

What file formats can you send us?

We can work with almost all versions of editable file formats (i.e., the content of which can be changed)

  • Classic Office and OpenOffice (word processing, tables, presentations)
  • Specialised formats including  .html, .idml, .srt…
  • As well as .xml, .csv, .xliff and many others

If you have a non-editable document (PDF, scans, images…), we offer a text extraction service to create an editable format.

You can choose a simple extraction (plain text) or one that will respect the original layout. In this case, you’ll receive back a document that looks identical to the original.

To learn more about our translation interfaces, contact us

The advantages of a
Computer Assisted Translation

The sectors using
language technology tools

Learn about technology-enhanced language services for your industry.

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