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Remote interpretation is the term used when you have interpretation facilities for your event but the interpreters are not on-site and attend ‘remotely’ to provide the service. When providing interpretation for a meeting or conference, it is often provided simultaneously, hence Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI).

Language technology has come a long way over the last few years, and whilst there are still some essential criteria to consider, high-quality RSI is now a reality.

How does Remote Simultaneous Interpretation work?

RSI works differently depending on who is remote.

  • When delegates are remote:  The interpreters’ audio is streamed directly to the delegates’ device. Each language has its own dedicated channel, giving delegates a seamless user experience.
  • When interpreters are remote: Our expert technical team relay an audio/audiovisual feed from the live event directly to the interpreters through our remote platform. The interpreters’ audio is then fed back on individual language streams and distributed to the delegates in your preferred manner.
  • When presenters are remote:  Our expert technical team relay an audio/audiovisual feed from the remote presenters directly to the interpreters. Individual language feeds are then distributed to delegates and presenters, both on-site and off-site.


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What are the types of remote simultaneous interpretation?

  • Simple – For small meetings, delegates and speakers use the RSI app on their smart devices to listen, whilst delegates use a basic microphone system in the room, or even  smart devices, to speak. Typically used for meetings with a small number of delegates where there is one main speaker.
  • Hybrid – For conferences and events that require remote solutions as part of the overall event. Have your interpreters located remotely or offer delegates the opportunity to attend remotely if they can’t make it to the venue. Your on-site delegates can listen to the interpretation through their smart device or through the traditional infrared system.
  • Virtual – For online meetings where all of the attendees are remote and the platform you are using needs an interpretation facility. Use Ubiqus’ CRN platform or take advantage of Ubiqus’ CRN plugin, which allows attendees to attend the meeting through their chosen platform and listen to their native language through their smart device.

Interested in a simple solution?

Seminars: Allowing you to provide interpretation to as many or as few delegates as needed, remote interpretation means you can provide language support without breaking your budget. The interpreters work remotely and the delegates that need support use their smart phones to hear proceedings in their own language. If you already have traditional headsets, we can connect the language feeds to those instead!

Board meetings: Enabling your board meeting to take place with delegates from anywhere in the world with remote participation and remote interpreters. Offer language support to those that don’t speak the main ‘floor’ language and let your attendees communicate seamlessly. If everyone is attending remotely then check out our virtual options that might suit you better.

Training: Keep your employees up-to-date with training by enabling off-site presenters to deliver training sessions to delegates in a separate office. You can gather all of the employees in one place to view the remote presenter and listen in their native language, or delegates can be split between locations whilst listening to a mixture of remote and on-site presenters. Presenters use their laptops and delegates just need their smartphone and the Congress Rental Network app.

When to choose a hybrid solution ?

Streaming your event: If you’re looking to engage your international delegates with people viewing from around the world, use remote interpretation to stream your event globally. We will simply integrate our remote interpretation feeds into your streaming platform so that they can be sent out via your conferencing solution. Avoid any unnecessary travel and still reach delegates in all four corners of the world.

Large conferences: Maximise the ROI of your event by using remote interpretation whilst also allowing delegates who can’t attend in person to tune in remotely. This cost effective solution for international delegates, both on-site and remote, ensures you can reach the maximum number of people at once.

Panel discussions: Bring the right panellists together for your Q&A and panel discussions by assisting them with remote interpretation. All of the panellists will listen in their native language, and be able to answer in that language, whilst all of the delegates can understand the answers in their own language. You can bring the most relevant panellists together whilst ensuring that everyone can understand proceedings in full.

How about a virtual solution ?

Ubiqus CRN videoconference platform: If you don’t have a platform yet, look no further than our CRN platform. It provides all the functionality needed for your meeting, but with interpretation and audio quality at the core of its design. Just choose from a “meeting” or “webinar” set-up, with a host, and we’ll do the rest!

Ubiqus CRN Gateway: If you have already got your own platform (Webex, Zoom, Teams, GoToMeeting), then we can offer our Gateway solution. This allows delegates who need interpretation support to tune in to your meeting as usual, but hear the interpretation in their own language through their smartphone. The delegates can even ask questions in their own language and the interpreters can interpret to the rest of the delegates in English. Simple!

Our professional remote interpreters, on your platform: If creating platforms is your business, we can simply provide our interpreters to work on your platform to provide the interpretation. There’ll be a few checks to make sure that it is up to scratch for interpretation (no offence!) and then we’re ready to go!

why choose remote simultaneous interpretation?

The benefits of remote simultaneous interpretation

Global Reach

With RSI you can engage delegates without needing them to be in the same place and you can communicate this message in their native language. Your message spreads further, your event becomes more accessible and your ROI grows.

Cost Efficient

RSI is not necessarily less expensive, it’s just different. However, the savings in travel and accommodation for delegates, speakers and interpreters can be huge when you consider the bigger picture.


The carbon footprint for a single event can be massive and even offering the chance for remote participation and attendance can cut this dramatically. You can even go one step further and make the whole event digital!

Greater Choice

RSI allows you to use local resources which means you can choose from any interpreter, globally. If your event is not in a major city, there’s no need to find local interpreters or incur a great expense on travel and accommodation. 

Simple to Use

The RSI platform has been designed with simplicity at its core, for both interpreters and delegates. Our remote support will ensure that even the least ‘tech savvy’ delegates can still get the most out of the system.


Adopting the use of new, but tested, technology will make your event more appealing to delegates, sponsors and buyers. Don’t miss the opportunity to show your stakeholders that you’re embracing technology.

Language combinations to meet all your needs

Ubiqus interpreters guarantee the smooth running of your event. They are selected according to the language to be translated, but also according to the subject matter.

We interpret from and into the following languages:


Ubiqus is ISO 9001:2015 certified and is one of the top five largest European language service providers (2019 Common Sense Advisory report).
Ubiqus UK is Cyber Essentials Plus Certified

The sectors we work in

We have supported clients working in specific fields for many years.

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