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Sign language 

Sign language interpretation: how does it work?

When preparing for your meeting, you spend time, energy and money to ensure the messages you communicate will be properly understood. To make sure you don’t leave anyone out of the loop, pay attention to the accessibility of your meeting venue and consider offering sign language interpretation to your audience.

Depending on the length of your meeting, one or more sign language interpreters will interpret the event. As with classical interpretation, it will be necessary to give them as many preparatory materials as possible before the meeting so they can understand the topics discussed.

During the event, you will need to ensure that the interpreters have a prominent place on the stage (an illuminated place if necessary), and that the people receiving this interpretation are properly located. In the case of a large room, you can broadcast the interpreter on a dedicated large screen.

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Other forms of interpretation we offer  

This method translates the words of a speaker in another language live, with a few seconds lag. It requires the installation of a booth, headsets and microphones so the people who need the interpretation can access it.  This is a particularly popular method for providing interpretation at international conferences.

In this method, the interpreter takes notes during the speech and translates it at the end. This format is particularly suitable for meetings.

With liaison interpretation, the interpreter translates the words of the speakers either immediately after or at regular intervals. This method is ideal for dynamic encounters or events where participants are moving around.

Remote interpreting includes all situations that do not fit within the framework of classical interpretation methods, i.e. all meetings and events where participants and interpreters are not in one place.

Language combinations that meet all your needs 

Ubiqus interpreters ensure that communication at your event runs smoothly. They are selected based not only on the language to be translated, but also on the topics that will be covered.

We interpret to and from the following languages:


Ubiqus USA holds ISO 9001:2015 certification and Ubiqus Canada's current certification is based on CAN/CGSB-131.10-2017, Translation Services. The Ubiqus Group is the 21st largest language service provider worldwide (2019 CSA Research index).

The sectors we work in

We have supported clients working in specific fields for many years.

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