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Ubiqus: celebrating 30 years!

A leading global language service provider

Translation. Interpretation. Transcription.

Our services

A range of professional services that bring together the excellence of our teams and innovative technologies.


Ubiqus USA holds ISO 9001:2015 certification and Ubiqus Canada's current certification is based on CAN/CGSB-131.10-2017, Translation Services. The Ubiqus Group is the 21st largest language service provider worldwide (2019 CSA Research index).

The sectors we work in

We have developed solid sector experience: we speak your language.

Our technologies dedicated to you

Find out more about the technological innovations we have made. You won’t find them anywhere else. Prepare to be impressed!

Automatic translation

Our machine translation technology (NMT) is the best on the market. Find out why.

Translation API

Connect your apps with our automatic solutions.
They provide translation, of course, but that’s not all. Find out more.

Online tools

Discover U-Translate, our online translation platform… independent, automatic, well designed.

Ubiqus, a thriving translation agency

since 1991

600 employees

completed every year

More than

20,000 clients

Ubiqus is a company that is passionate about what it does.
Our entire team is committed to making your experience with us unforgettable, professional and high-quality.

Our resources

Follow our latest news, download our white papers, check out our latest innovations.

Ubiqus turns 30!

Ubiqus turns 30!Did you know that Ubiqus turns 30 this year!? It was in 1991 when two young entrepreneurs founded ‘Hors-Ligne’, which then grew to become Ubiqus. The company launched in France with an innovative concept: disrupt an industry, where...

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Why Academic Transcription is a Great Idea

Why Academic Transcription is a Great Idea “There never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you find them.” Wise words from Jim Croce, and ones that definitely apply to the college experience. Time flies for students and...

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Satisfied clients who don’t hesitate to tell us so

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